1st Women in Business Academia Conference
With a final count of 87 attendees from Columbia Business School, Cornell ILR School, HBS, MIT Sloan, NYU Stern, Stanford Business School, Wharton, and Yale SOM, the First Annual Women in Business Academia Conference was a tremendous success!
2016 2nd Women in Business Academia Conference
We reached out to a larger pool of business schools, drawing in attendees from Columbia Business School, Cornell Johnson School, Duke Fuqua School, Harvard Business School, Michigan Ross, MIT Sloan, Northwestern Kellogg, NYU Stern, Wharton, and Yale SOM. See this article for more information.
2017 3rd Women in Business Academia Conference
This year, we held two panels: Work and Life.
"Work" Panel Speakers
The "Work" panel covered topics such as mentorship, productivity, publishing, job market, tenure, research, collaboration strategies, and saying “no.”
Professor Sarah Light (Legal Studies & Business Ethics, The Wharton School)
Professor Diana Robertson (Legal Studies & Business Ethics, The Wharton School)
Professor Hummy Song (Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton School)
Professor Alixandra Barasch (Marketing, NYU Stern)
"Life" Panel Speakers
The "Life" panel covered topics such as family planning, the two-body problem, dress code, sexual harassment, and discrimination.
Professor Katherine Milkman (Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton School)
Professor Kristina Durante (Marketing, Rutgers Business School)
Professor Silvia Bellezza (Marketing, Columbia Business School)
Professor Sigal Barsade (Management, The Wharton School)
2018 4th Women in Business Academia Conference: PhD Student Presentations
We had an enthusiastic response to the call for submissions from all the invited schools and are very pleased to announce this year's student speakers! All students will be giving 5-minute presentations.
Amanda Marino, Accounting, DrexelU LeBow College of Business, “The Gender Pay Gap”
Basima Tewfik, Management, The Wharton School, “The Help-Decliner's Dilemma: How to Decline Requests for Help at Work Without Hurting One's Image”
Dafna Goor, Marketing, Harvard Business School, "The Impostor Syndrome from Luxury Consumption"
Dana Kanze, Management, Columbia Business School, “The Motivation of Mission Statements: How Regulatory Mode Influences Workplace Discrimination”
Emily Powell, Marketing, NYU Stern School of Business, “When a Photo is Not Worth 1000 Words: How Photos of Experiences Can Harm Expectations for those Experiences”
Martha Jeong, Organizational Behavior, Harvard Business School, “Communicating With Warmth in Distributive Negotiations is Surprisingly Counter-productive”
Natalie Carlson, Management, Columbia Business School, “Building Transformational Potential: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Young Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe"
Roxana Mihet. Economics, NYU Stern School of Business, “Winners and Losers of the New Technology Revolution: A Capital Income Narrative”
Sheisha Kulkami, Finance, UCalifornia Berkeley Haas School of Business, "Information Frictions and Consumer Financial Regulation"
Summer Rachel Jackson, Economic Sociology, MIT Business School, “Ecosystem Disclaimers for Successful Influence of Higher Power Occupational Groups Inside Organizations”
Ursula Wiriadinata, Finance, UChicago Booth School of Business, “External Debt, Currency Risk, and International Monetary Policy Transmission”
Xuimei Li, Management, DrexelU LeBow College of Business, “We Are the Leader! Do Leadership Identity Claims Help New Ventures in Emerging Industries Acquire Resources from the Venture Capital Market?”
Yuan Zou, Accounting, Columbia Business School, "Uncertainty in Managers' Reporting Objectives and Investors' Response to Earnings Reports: Evidence from the 2006 Executive Compensation Disclosures"
Yuanyuan Li, Management and Global Business, Rutgers Business School, "On the Road Again: FDI Motive and Location Choice of International Joint Ventures from an Emerging Market"
2019 5th Women in Business Academia Conference
The agenda can be found below: